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2 Minute Capabilities Tour

Avia Business Jet Investments is a buyer, seller and lessor of capital equipment - particularly business jets, transport category aircraft, and yachts. We undertake a small number of projects at any one time that are critically important to our clients and, therefore, are worthy of our full attention.

For our own account and that of our clientele, we have completed hundreds of transactions over the last four decades in more than forty different nations. Avia capabilities and offerings include consultancies on aircraft acquisitions, mission analysis, justification studies, plus present and future value comparisons. Avia is experienced in:

  • design
  • completion and refit management
  • green aircraft production
  • green aircraft acceptance
  • flight department management
  • flight department set-up
  • part 135 set-up
  • airline start-up
  • Avia team members and affiliates have backgrounds in the cockpit, design, completions, production, maintenance, engineering, law, and finance.

    We believe our comprehensive A to Z approach to services may be entirely unique in an industry known for sales or purchase consultants moving to the next transaction in haste because working details and professional follow-up are not profit centers. This common practice makes it easy for Avia to distinguish itself.

    Please visit the Services section and the About Us page for further details.


    Avia Business Jet Investments
    Phone 1: 703-655-8827 Cellular
    Phone 2: 703-980-8050

    E-mail: gstubbs@aviajets.com